Source code for pygimli.viewer.pv.vistaview

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Plot 3D mesh."""

import pygimli as pg

pyvista = pg.optImport("pyvista", requiredFor="properly visualize 3D data")
trame = pg.optImport(
    requiredFor="use interactive 3D visualizations within Jupyter notebooks",

if pyvista is None:
    view3Dcallback = "showMesh3DFallback"
    view3Dcallback = "showMesh3DVista"
    vers_users = pyvista.__version__
    vers_userf = float(pyvista.__version__[::-1].replace(".", "", 1)[::-1])
    vers_needs = "0.34.0"
    vers_needf = 0.340

    if vers_userf < vers_needf:
        pg.warn("Please consider updating PyVista to at least {}".format(vers_needs))

    from .draw import drawModel

[docs] def showMesh3D(mesh, data, **kwargs): """Calling the defined function to show the 3D object.""" if pg.rc["view3D"] == "fallback": return showMesh3DFallback(mesh, data, **kwargs) return globals()[view3Dcallback](mesh, data, **kwargs)
def showMesh3DFallback(mesh, data, **kwargs): """Plot the 3D object sketchy.""" ax = kwargs.pop("ax", None) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D if ax is None or not isinstance(ax, Axes3D): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d", proj_type="persp") # ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d', proj_type="ortho") if mesh.boundaryCount() > 0: x, y, tri, z, dataIndex = pg.viewer.mpl.createTriangles(mesh) ax.plot_trisurf(x, y, tri, z) else: if mesh.nodeCount() < 1e4: x = pg.x(mesh.positions()) y = pg.y(mesh.positions()) z = pg.z(mesh.positions()) ax.scatter(x, y, z, "ko") ax.set_title("Fallback, install pyvista for proper 3D visualization") return ax, None def showMesh3DVista(mesh, data=None, **kwargs): """Make use of the actual 3D visualization tool kit. Parameters ---------- data: pg.Vector or np.ndarray Dictionary of cell values, sorted by key. The values need to be numpy arrays. Returns ------- plotter: pyvista.Plotter The plotter from pyvista. gui: Show3D [None] The small gui based on pyvista. Note that this is returned as 'None' if gui is passed as 'False'. Note ---- Not having PyQt5 installed results in displaying the first key (and values) from the dictionary. """ # for compatibility remove show kwargs that are not needed kwargs.pop("figsize", False) hold = kwargs.pop("hold", False) cMap = kwargs.pop("cMap", "viridis") notebook = kwargs.pop("notebook", pg.isNotebook()) # For sphinx builds and non-interactive agg backend if not notebook and not pg.viewer.mpl.isInteractive(): notebook = False kwargs["backend"] = None gui = kwargs.pop("gui", False) # GUI tmp deactivated if gui: pg.error("pyqt show gui currently not maintained") return None backend = kwargs.pop("backend", "client") plotter = drawModel( kwargs.pop("ax", None), mesh, data, notebook=notebook, cMap=cMap, **kwargs ) # seems top be broken on some machines if kwargs.get("aa", False): plotter.enable_anti_aliasing() if notebook is True: # monkeypatch show of this plotter instance so we can use multiple # backends and only .. whoever this needs. plotter.__show = = lambda *args, **kwargs: plotter.__show( *args, jupyter_backend=backend, **kwargs ) elif pg.viewer.mpl.isInteractive(): plotter.__show = = ( lambda *args, **kwargs: plotter.__show(*args, **kwargs) if pg.viewer.mpl.isInteractive() or pyvista.BUILDING_GALLERY else False ) if hold is False: # , None to keep compatibility return plotter, None