"""Vertical electrical sounding (VES) manager class."""
import numpy as np
import pygimli as pg
from pygimli.frameworks import Block1DModelling
from pygimli.frameworks.modelling import DEFAULT_STYLES
class VESModelling(Block1DModelling):
"""Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) forward operator.
ab2 :
Half distance between the current electrodes A and B.
mn2 :
Half distance between the potential electrodes M and N.
Only used for input (feeding am etc.) or plotting.
am :
Part of data basis. Distances between A and M electrodes.
A is first current, M is first potential electrode.
bm :
Part of data basis. Distances between B and M electrodes.
B is second current, M is first potential electrode.
an :
Part of data basis. Distances between A and N electrodes.
A is first current, N is second potential electrode.
bn :
Part of data basis. Distances between B and N electrodes.
B is second current, N is second potential electrode.
def __init__(self, ab2=None, mn2=None, **kwargs):
"""Initialize with distances.
Either with
* all distances AM, AN, BM, BN using am/an/bm/bn
* a dataContainerERT using data or dataContainerERT
* AB/2 and (optionally) MN/2 distances using ab2/mn2
nLayers : int [4]
Number of layers.
self.am = kwargs.pop("am", None)
self.bm = kwargs.pop("bm", None)
self.an = kwargs.pop("an", None)
self.bn = kwargs.pop("bn", None)
self.ab2 = ab2
self.mn2 = mn2
if 'dataContainerERT' in kwargs or 'data' in kwargs:
if 'data' in kwargs:
data = kwargs['data']
data = kwargs['dataContainerERT']
if isinstance(data, pg.DataContainerERT):
kwargs['am'] = [data.sensorPosition(data('a')[i]).distance(
data('m')[i]) for i in range(data.size())]
kwargs['an'] = [data.sensorPosition(data('a')[i]).distance(
data('n')[i]) for i in range(data.size())]
kwargs['bm'] = [data.sensorPosition(data('b')[i]).distance(
data('m')[i]) for i in range(data.size())]
kwargs['bn'] = [data.sensorPosition(data('b')[i]).distance(
data('n')[i]) for i in range(data.size())]
self.setDataSpace(ab2=ab2, mn2=mn2,
am=self.am, an=self.an, bm=self.bm, bn=self.bn)
def createStartModel(self, rhoa):
"""Create starting model."""
if self.nLayers == 0:
pg.critical("Model space is not been initialized.")
startThicks = np.logspace(np.log10(min(self.mn2)/2),
self.nLayers - 1)
startThicks = pg.utils.diff(pg.cat([0.0], startThicks))
# layer thickness properties
self.setRegionProperties(0, startModel=startThicks, trans='log')
# resistivity properties
self.setRegionProperties(1, startModel=np.median(rhoa), trans='log')
return super(VESModelling, self).createStartModel()
def setDataSpace(self, ab2=None, mn2=None,
am=None, bm=None, an=None, bn=None,
"""Set data basis, i.e., arrays for all am, an, bm, bn distances.
You can set either
* AB/2 and (optionally) MN/2 spacings for a classical sounding, or
* all distances AM, AN, BM, BN for arbitrary arrays
ab2 : iterable
AB/2 distances
mn2 : iterable | float
MN/2 distance(s)
am, an, bm, bn : distances between current and potential electrodes
# Sometimes you don't have AB2/MN2 but provide am etc.
self.am = am
self.an = an
self.bm = bm
self.bn = bn
if ab2 is not None:
if mn2 is None:
mn2 = np.array(ab2) / 3
if isinstance(mn2, float):
mn2 = np.ones(len(ab2))*mn2
if len(ab2) != len(mn2):
print("ab2", ab2)
print("mn2", mn2)
raise Exception("length of ab2 is unequal length of mn2")
self.am = ab2 - mn2
self.an = ab2 + mn2
self.bm = ab2 + mn2
self.bn = ab2 - mn2
elif (am is not None and bm is not None and an is not None and
bn is not None):
self.am = am
self.bm = bm
self.an = an
self.bn = bn
if self.am is not None and self.bm is not None:
self.ab2 = (self.am + self.bm) / 2
self.mn2 = abs(self.am - self.an) / 2
self.k = (2.0 * np.pi) / (1.0 / self.am - 1.0 / self.an -
1.0 / self.bm + 1.0 / self.bn)
def response(self, par):
"""Model response."""
return self.response_mt(par, 0)
def response_mt(self, par, i=0):
"""Multi-threading model response."""
if self.am is not None and self.bm is not None:
nLayers = (len(par)+1) // 2
fop = pg.core.DC1dModelling(nLayers,
self.am, self.bm, self.an, self.bn)
pg.critical("No data space defined don't know what to calculate.")
return fop.response(par)
def drawModel(self, ax, model, **kwargs):
"""Draw model as 1D block model."""
plot=kwargs.pop('plot', 'loglog'),
xlabel=r'Resistivity ($\Omega$m)',
ax.set_ylabel('Depth in (m)')
return ax, None # should return gci and not ax
def drawData(self, ax, data, error=None, label=None, **kwargs):
r"""Draw modeled apparent resistivity data.
ax: axes
Matplotlib axes object to draw into.
data: iterable
Apparent resistivity values to draw.
error: iterable [None]
Adds an error bar if you have error values.
label: str ['$\rho_a$']
Set legend label for the amplitude.
Other Parameters
ab2: iterable
Override ab2 that fits data size.
mn2: iterable
Override mn2 that fits data size.
plot: function name
Matplotlib plot function, e.g., plot, loglog, semilogx or semilogy
ab2 = kwargs.pop('ab2', self.ab2)
# mn2 = kwargs.pop('mn2', self.mn2)
plot = getattr(ax, kwargs.pop('plot', 'loglog'))
ra = data
raE = error
style = dict(pg.frameworks.modelling.DEFAULT_STYLES.get(
label, pg.frameworks.modelling.DEFAULT_STYLES['Default']))
if label is None:
label = r'$\rho_a$'
plot(ra, ab2, label=label, **style)
if raE is not None:
raErr = np.array(ra * raE)
if pg.isArray(raErr, len(ra)):
ax.errorbar(ra, ab2,
xerr=raErr, barsabove=True,
ax.set_ylim(max(ab2), min(ab2))
ax.set_xlabel(r'Apparent resistivity ($\Omega$m)')
ax.set_ylabel(r'AB/2 (m)')
return ax, None # should return gci and not ax&cb
class VESCModelling(VESModelling):
"""Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) complex forward operator.
Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) forward operator for complex
resistivity values. see: :py:mod:`pygimli.physics.ert.VESModelling`
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(VESCModelling, self).__init__(nPara=2, **kwargs)
self.phiAxe = None
def phaseModel(self, model):
"""Return the current phase model values."""
nLay = (len(model) + 1) // 3
return pg.cat(model[0:nLay-1], 1000. * model[nLay*2-1::])
def resModel(self, model):
"""Return the resistivity model values."""
nLay = (len(model) + 1) // 3
return model[0:nLay*2-1]
def createStartModel(self, rhoa):
"""Create starting model of nlay-1 thicknesses & nlay resistivities."""
startDepths = np.logspace(np.log10(min(self.mn2)/2),
startThicks = pg.utils.diff(pg.cat([0.0], startDepths))
# layer thickness properties
self.setRegionProperties(0, startModel=startThicks,
# resistivity properties
self.setRegionProperties(1, startModel=np.median(rhoa),
self.setRegionProperties(2, startModel=np.median(rhoa[len(rhoa)//2::]),
sm = self.regionManager().createStartModel()
return sm
def response_mt(self, par, i=0):
"""Multi-threaded model response for parametrization.
response : iterable
[|rhoa|, +phi(rad)] for [thicks, res, phi(rad)]
if self.am is not None and self.bm is not None:
nLayers = (len(par) + 1) // 3
fop = pg.core.DC1dModellingC(nLayers,
self.am, self.bm, self.an, self.bn)
pg.critical("No data basis known.")
return fop.response(par)
def drawModel(self, ax, model, **kwargs):
"""Draw 1D VESC Modell."""
a1 = ax
a2 = pg.viewer.mpl.createTwinY(ax)
super(VESCModelling, self).drawModel(a1,
plot = kwargs.pop('plot', 'semilogy')
if plot == 'loglog':
plot = 'semilogy'
elif plot == 'semilogx':
plot = 'plot'
xlabel='Phase (mrad)',
a2.set_xlabel('neg. phase (mRad)', color='C2')
def drawData(self, ax, data, error=None, labels=None, ab2=None, mn2=None,
r"""Draw modeled apparent resistivity and apparent phase data.
ax: axes
Matplotlib axes object to draw into.
data: iterable
Apparent resistivity values to draw. [rhoa phia].
error: iterable [None]
Rhoa in Ohm m and phia in radiand.
Adds an error bar if you have error values. [err_rhoas err_phia]
The error of amplitudes are assumed to be relative and the error
of the phases is assumed to be absolute in mrad.
labels: str [r'$\varrho_a$', r'$\varphi_a$']
Set legend labels for amplitude and phase.
Other Parameters
ab2: iterable
Override ab2 that fits data size.
mn2: iterable
Override mn2 that fits data size.
plot: function name
Matplotlib plot function, e.g., plot, loglog, semilogx or semilogy
a1 = None
a2 = None
if hasattr(ax, '__iter__'):
if len(ax) == 2:
a1 = ax[0]
a2 = ax[1]
a1 = ax
a2 = pg.viewer.mpl.createTwinY(ax)
if ab2 is not None and mn2 is not None:
self.setDataSpace(ab2=ab2, mn2=mn2)
ra = data[0:len(data)//2]
phi = data[len(data)//2::] * 1000. # mRad
phiE = None # abs err
raE = None # rel err
if error is not None:
if type(error) is float:
raE = np.ones(len(data)//2) * error
phiE = np.ones(len(data)//2) * error
raE = error[0:len(data)//2]
phiE = error[len(data)//2::]
if labels is None:
labels = [r'$\varrho_a$', r'$\varphi_a$']
label = kwargs.pop('label', 'Data')
style = dict(pg.frameworks.modelling.DEFAULT_STYLES.get(
label, pg.frameworks.modelling.DEFAULT_STYLES['Default']))
super(VESCModelling, self).drawData(a1, ra, error=raE,
label=labels[0], **style)
style['color'] = 'C2'
a2.semilogy(phi, self.ab2, label=labels[1], **style)
if phiE is not None:
a2.errorbar(phi, self.ab2,
a2.set_ylim(max(self.ab2), min(self.ab2))
a2.set_xlabel('Apparent neg. phase (mRad)', color='C2')
a2.set_ylabel('AB/2 in (m)')
# class VESRhoModelling(VESModelling): # not working due to Block1dModelling
class VESRhoModelling(pg.frameworks.MeshModelling):
"""Vertical electrical sounding (VES) modelling with fixed layers."""
def __init__(self, thk, verbose=False, **kwargs):
"""Initialize modelling operator by passing model and data space.
thk : iterable, optional
Thickness vector of the individual layers.
verbose : bool, optional
some output. The default is False.
**kwargs : geometric definition of the sounding, either
ab2 : iterable
AB/2 distances
mn2 : iterable
MN/2 distances (if not specified, ab2/3 by default) OR
am : iterable
A-M distance AND
an : iterable
A-N distance AND
bm : iterable
N-M distance AND
bn : iterable
B-N distance OR
dataContainer : pg.DataContainerERT
ERT data container to determine the AM/AN/BM/BN distances
# better do the following in a function like setDataSpace/setModelSpace
self.bfop = VESModelling(**kwargs)
self.thk = thk
self.fwd = pg.core.DC1dRhoModelling(thk, self.bfop.am, self.bfop.bm,
self.bfop.an, self.bfop.bn,
self.mesh_ = pg.meshtools.createMesh1D(len(thk)+1)
# self.mesh = self.mesh_ # could work with MeshModelling parent
def response(self, par):
"""Forward response (app. resistivity for given resistivity vector)."""
return self.fwd.response(par)
def response_mt(self, par):
"""Forward response."""
fwd = pg.core.DC1dRhoModelling(self.thk, self.bfop.am, self.bfop.bm,
self.bfop.an, self.bfop.bn, False)
return fwd.response(par)
def createStartModel(self, rhoa):
"""Create starting model."""
return pg.Vector(len(self.thk)+1, np.median(rhoa))