#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Plotting functions for traveltime."""
import numpy as np
import pygimli as pg
from pygimli.viewer.mpl import createColorBar
from .utils import shotReceiverDistances
def drawTravelTimeData(ax, data, t=None):
"""Draw first arrival traveltime data into mpl ax a.
data of type pg.DataContainer must contain sensorIdx 's' and 'g'
and thus being numbered internally [0..n)
x = pg.x(data.sensorPositions())
# z = pg.z(data.sensorPositions())
shots = pg.unique(pg.sort(data('s')))
geoph = pg.unique(pg.sort(data('g')))
startOffsetIDX = 0
if min(min(shots), min(geoph)) == 1:
startOffsetIDX = 1
tShow = data('t')
if t is not None:
tShow = t
ax.set_xlim([min(x), max(x)])
ax.set_ylim([max(tShow), -0.002])
ax.figure.show() # a draw function should never trigger a figure show
for shot in shots:
gIdx = pg.find(data('s') == shot)
sensorIdx = [int(i__ - startOffsetIDX) for i__ in data('g')[gIdx]]
ax.plot(x[sensorIdx], tShow[gIdx], 'x-')
yPixel = ax.transData.inverted().transform_point((1, 1))[1] - \
ax.transData.inverted().transform_point((0, 0))[1]
xPixel = ax.transData.inverted().transform_point((1, 1))[0] - \
ax.transData.inverted().transform_point((0, 0))[0]
# draw shot points
ax.plot(x[[int(i__ - startOffsetIDX) for i__ in shots]],
np.zeros(len(shots)) + 8. * yPixel, 'gv', markersize=8)
# draw geophone points
ax.plot(x[[int(i__ - startOffsetIDX) for i__ in geoph]],
np.zeros(len(geoph)) + 3. * yPixel, 'r^', markersize=8)
ax.set_ylim([max(tShow), + 16. * yPixel])
ax.set_xlim([min(x) - 5. * xPixel, max(x) + 5. * xPixel])
ax.set_xlabel('x-Coordinate [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('Traveltime [ms]')
def plotFirstPicks(ax, data, tt=None, plotva=False, marker='x-'):
"""Naming convention. drawFOO(ax, ... )."""
pg.deprecated("use drawFirstPicks")
return drawFirstPicks(ax=ax, data=data, tt=tt, plotva=plotva,
def drawFirstPicks(ax, data, tt=None, plotva=False, **kwargs):
"""Plot first arrivals as lines.
ax : matplotlib.axes
axis to draw the lines in
data : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::DataContainer`
data containing shots ("s"), geophones ("g") and traveltimes ("t").
gci : list
list of plotting items (matplotlib lines)
px = pg.x(data)
gx = np.array([px[int(g)] for g in data("g")])
sx = np.array([px[int(s)] for s in data("s")])
if tt is None:
tt = np.array(data("t"))
if plotva:
tt = np.absolute(gx - sx) / tt
uns = np.unique(sx)
cols = pg.plt.cm.tab10(np.arange(10))
kwargs.setdefault('marker', 'x')
kwargs.setdefault('markersize', 8)
kwargs.setdefault('linestyle', '-')
plotSource = kwargs.pop('plotSource', True)
GCI = []
for i, si in enumerate(uns):
ti = tt[sx == si]
gi = gx[sx == si]
ii = gi.argsort()
GCI.append(ax.plot(gi[ii], ti[ii], color=cols[i % 10], **kwargs))
if plotSource:
ax.plot(si, 0., 's', color=cols[i % 10])
if plotva:
ax.set_ylabel("Apparent velocity (m/s)")
ax.set_ylabel("Traveltime (s)")
ax.set_xlabel("x (m)")
return ax
# better be renamed to showData and optionaly show first pick curves
def showVA(data, usePos=True, ax=None, **kwargs):
"""Show apparent velocity as image plot.
data : pg.DataContainer()
Datacontainer with 's' and 'g' Sensorindieces and 't' traveltimes.
ax, _ = pg.show(ax=ax)
gci = drawVA(ax, data=data, usePos=usePos, **kwargs)
cBar = createColorBar(gci, **kwargs)
return ax, cBar
def drawVA(ax, data, vals=None, usePos=True, pseudosection=False, **kwargs):
"""Draw apparent velocities as matrix into an axis.
ax : mpl.Axes
data : pg.DataContainer()
Datacontainer with 's' and 'g' Sensorindieces and 't' traveltimes.
usePos: bool [True]
Use sensor positions for axes tick labels
pseudosection : bool [False]
Show in pseudosection style.
vals : iterable
Traveltimes, if None data need to contain 't' values.
if isinstance(vals, str):
vals = data(vals)
if vals is None:
vals = data('t')
px = pg.x(data)
gx = np.asarray([px[g] for g in data.id("g")])
sx = np.asarray([px[s] for s in data.id("s")])
offset = shotReceiverDistances(data, full=True)
if min(vals) < 1e-10:
pg.error('zero traveltimes found.')
va = offset / vals
if pseudosection:
midpoint = (gx + sx) / 2
gci = pg.viewer.mpl.dataview.drawVecMatrix(ax, midpoint, offset, va,
gci = pg.viewer.mpl.dataview.drawVecMatrix(ax, data["g"], data["s"],
va, squeeze=True,
# A = np.ones((data.sensorCount(), data.sensorCount())) * np.nan
# for i in range(data.size()):
# A[int(data('s')[i]), int(data('g')[i])] = va[i]
# gci = ax.imshow(A, interpolation='nearest')
# ax.grid(True)
if usePos:
nt = np.maximum(data.sensorCount() // 50, 10)
xt = np.arange(0, data.sensorCount(), nt)
ax.set_xticklabels([str(int(px[xti])) for xti in xt])
ax.set_yticklabels([str(int(px[xti])) for xti in xt])
return gci