Source code for pygimli.physics.traveltime.importData

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import struct
import numpy as np
import pygimli as pg
from .tt import DataContainerTT

[docs] def load(fileName, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Shortcut to load TravelTime data. Import Data and try to assume the file format. TODO * add RHL class importer Parameters ---------- fileName: str Returns ------- data: pg.DataContainer """ if fileName.lower().endswith('.gtt'): data = importGTT(fileName) elif fileName.lower().endswith('.tom'): data = readTOMfile(fileName) else: data = DataContainerTT(fileName) # data = pg.DataContainer(fileName, sensorTokens='s g') return data
def importGTT(filename, return_header=False): """Import refraction data from Tomo+ GTT data file into DataContainer.""" header = {} with open(filename, 'rb') as fid: block = nshots = struct.unpack(">I", block[:4])[0] ngeoph = struct.unpack(">I", block[4:8])[0] header['ntrace'] = struct.unpack(">Q", block[8:16])[0] header['nchan'] = struct.unpack(">I", block[16:20])[0] header['tminmax'] = struct.unpack(">2f", block[20:28]) header['offsetminmax'] = struct.unpack(">2f", block[28:36]) header['angle'] = struct.unpack(">f", block[36:40])[0] header['origin'] = struct.unpack(">2f", block[40:48]) header['unit'] = struct.unpack(">I", block[48:52])[0] header['shotSpacing'] = struct.unpack(">f", block[52:56])[0] header['receiverSpacing'] = struct.unpack(">f", block[56:60])[0] SPOS = np.zeros((nshots, 3)) RPOS = np.zeros((ngeoph*5, 3)) SHOT, REC, TT, VA = [], [], [], [] # tmat = np.ones((nshots, ngeoph)) * np.nan for i in range(nshots): block = # shot information shotid = struct.unpack(">I", block[:4])[0] nci = struct.unpack(">I", block[4:8])[0] # channels for the shot spos = np.array(struct.unpack(">4f", block[8:24])) SPOS[i, :] = spos[:3] # print(nci, spos) X, Y = [], [] for j in range(nci): block = # receiver information recid = struct.unpack(">I", block[:4])[0] rpos = np.array(struct.unpack(">4f", block[4:20])) RPOS[recid, :] = rpos[:3] tt = struct.unpack(">f", block[20:24])[0] # print(shotid, recid, tt) SHOT.append(i+1) # shotid) # SHOT.append(shotid) REC.append(recid) TT.append(tt) X.append(rpos[0]) Y.append(rpos[0]) offset = np.sqrt(np.sum((rpos-spos)**2)) VA.append(offset/tt) # tmat[shotid, recid] = tt SHOT = np.array(SHOT, dtype=int) - 1 REC = np.array(REC, dtype=int) - 1 + len(SPOS) pos = np.vstack((SPOS, RPOS[1:max(REC)+1])) x, ifwd, irev = np.unique(pos[:, 0], return_index=True, return_inverse=True) data = pg.DataContainer() data.registerSensorIndex('s') data.registerSensorIndex('g') for i in ifwd: data.createSensor([pos[i, 0], pos[i, 2], 0]) data.resize(len(TT)) data.set('t', np.array(TT)) data.set('va', np.array(VA)) data.set('s', irev[SHOT].astype(float)) data.set('g', irev[REC].astype(float)) data.markValid(data('t') > 0.) data.removeUnusedSensors() data.markInvalid(data('g') >= data.sensorCount()) data.markInvalid(data('s') >= data.sensorCount()) data.removeInvalid() if return_header: return data, header else: print(header) return data def readTOMfile(filename, ndig=2, roundto=0): """Read Reflex tomography (*.TOM) file.""" t, xT, zT, xR, zR = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=(0, 2, 3, 4, 5), unpack=1) if roundto > 0: pT = (np.round(xT/roundto) - np.round(zT/roundto) * 1j) * roundto pR = (np.round(xR/roundto) - np.round(zR/roundto) * 1j) * roundto else: pT = xT.round(ndig) - zT.round(ndig) * 1j pR = xR.round(ndig) - zR.round(ndig) * 1j pU = np.unique(np.hstack((pT, pR))) iT = np.array([np.nonzero(pU == pi)[0][0] for pi in pT], dtype=float) iR = np.array([np.nonzero(pU == pi)[0][0] for pi in pR], dtype=float) data = pg.DataContainer() for pp in pU: data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(pp.real, pp.imag)) for tok in ['s', 'g']: data.registerSensorIndex(tok) data.resize(len(t)) data.set('t', t) data.set('s', iT) data.set('g', iR) data.markValid(pg.abs(data('s') - data('g')) > 0) return data class ReadAHL(object): """Class reading seismic refraction format provided by Uppsala University. Supply a filename and a delimiter character. The delimiter is used to find the header string which in turn is used to label and extract the columns. """ def __init__(self, filename, maxsensorid, delimiter='|'): self.header = None self.delimiter = delimiter self.filename = filename self.alldata = [] # contains all of the data (unaltered) self.skiprows = 0 # how many leading rows are in the file self.labels = dict() # labels and corresponding column self.maxsensorid = maxsensorid # for excluding geophones ( >= ) self.sensorcols = [] # the columns that contain info about the sensors self.shotcols = [] # the columns that contain info about the shot self.positionlist = [] # the list of sensor and shot positions self.use_xz_only = True def __call__(self): """Call function.""" self.load() self.convert() # def __repr__(self): # """Return string representation.""" # s = 'header line: ' + self.header # s += '\nalldata length: {}\nfirst row: '.format(len(self.alldata)) # s += str(self.alldata[0, :]) + '\nlast row: ' # s += str(self.alldata[-1, :]) # return s def __repr__(self): """Return string representation.""" in_arg = "'" + self.filename + "'" + \ ', maxsensorid=' + str(self.maxsensorid) + \ ', delimiter=' + "'" + self.delimiter + "'" return self.__class__.__name__ + "(" + in_arg + ")" def _extractlabels(self): """Extract the labels from the header line.""" labels = self.header.split(self.delimiter) n = 0 for l in labels: l = l.strip() if len(l) > 0: self.labels[l] = n # add labels as keys and colnums as value if l.find('DELAY') >= 0 or l.find('REC') >= 0: self.sensorcols.append(n) else: self.shotcols.append(n) n += 1 def _extractheader(self): """Search for the header and extract it.""" # open the file and get some info out: # number of lines to skip and the header with open(self.filename, 'r') as f: # loop until we find the delimiter as the first character of line firstchar = '' while firstchar is not self.delimiter: self.header = f.readline().strip() firstchar = self.header[0] self.skiprows += 1 # update number of leading rows in the file self._extractlabels() # split the header line into individual labels def load(self): """Process/read the data file.""" # this will determine number of leading rows and extract labels etc... self._extractheader() with open(self.filename, 'r') as f: # skip some rows as determined by _extractheader() for _ in range(self.skiprows): # build a 2D list where each row is a line from the file currentshot = 0 for line in f: # convert to int so we can use datarow_str = line.strip().split() datarow = [int(d) for d in datarow_str if len(d) > 0] # normal case is that we have data without shotid, so add it if len(datarow) < len(self.labels): datarow.insert(0, currentshot) else: currentshot = datarow[0] self.alldata.append(datarow) # convert it all to numpy array for easier manipulation later self.alldata = np.asarray(self.alldata) def convert(self): """Extract sensors and build a list for pyGIMLi indexing. Also determine relevant column numbers for the data. """ if len(self.alldata) == 0.: raise ValueError('Data not read yet!') shots_col = self.labels['SHOT_PEG'] sensors_col = self.labels['REC_PEG'] # cut out the unwanted sensors data = self.alldata[self.alldata[:, shots_col] <= self.maxsensorid, :] # ...and shotpositions data = data[data[:, sensors_col] <= self.maxsensorid, :] shots_uniq = np.unique(data[:, shots_col]) sensors_uniq = np.unique(data[:, sensors_col]) all_uniq = np.unique(np.row_stack((shots_uniq[:, np.newaxis], sensors_uniq[:, np.newaxis]))) # remap the sensor ids to indices starting from 1 going to N sensor_map = zip(all_uniq, np.arange(1, len(all_uniq)+1, dtype=int)) for old, new in sensor_map: data[data[:, sensors_col] == old, sensors_col] = new data[data[:, shots_col] == old, shots_col] = new # now create a list of unique (x, y, z)'s final_uniq_list, flat_idx = np.unique( data[:, [shots_col, sensors_col]], return_index=True) idx = np.unravel_index(flat_idx, data[:, [shots_col, sensors_col]].shape) # rows and corresponding columns (column==0 means sensor, 1 means shot) # Here we build a list of which columns to pick the positions from # TODO: Not sure that -3 is always correct! column_list = [np.asarray(self.sensorcols[-3:]) if c == 1 else np.asarray(self.shotcols[-3:]) for c in idx[1]] unique_xyz = data[idx[0][:, np.newaxis], column_list] # mpl.plot(unique_xyz[:, 1], unique_xyz[:, 2], 'b.-') # if self.use_xz_only: x = unique_xyz[:, 1] y = unique_xyz[:, 2] xx = np.cumsum(np.sqrt(np.diff(x)**2 + np.diff(y)**2)) xx = xx.tolist() xx.insert(0, 0.0) xx = np.asarray(xx) final_pos = np.column_stack((xx[:, np.newaxis], unique_xyz[:, 0])) / 10.0 else: # TODO: Not sure that [1,2,0] is always the correct order! final_pos = unique_xyz[:, [1, 2, 0]] / 10.0 # change the order of the positions to be in x,y,z order # also change to [m] instead of [dm], desc='pos') sgt_cols = [self.labels['SHOT_PEG'], self.labels['REC_PEG'], self.labels['X1:DELAY']] sgt = data[:, sgt_cols] # valid = sgt[:, -1] > 0 sgt = sgt.astype(float) sgt[:, -1] /= 1000.0 # milliseconds to seconds #, valid)), desc='sgt'), desc='sgt') def save(self, data, desc): """Write the converted data to disk.""" fname_in = self.filename fname_out = fname_in[:fname_in.rfind('.')] + '.sgt' if desc == 'pos': mode = 'w' else: mode = 'a' with open(fname_out, mode) as f: if desc == 'pos': if self.use_xz_only: f.write(str(data.shape[0]) + ' # No positions\n#x z\n') else: f.write(str(data.shape[0]) + ' # No positions\n#x y z\n') np.savetxt(f, data, fmt='%.2f') elif desc == 'sgt': f.write(str(data.shape[0]) + ' # Number of data\n#s g t\n') np.savetxt(f, data, fmt='%i %i %.4f') else: raise ValueError('Invalid description of\ data to be written: {}'.format(desc)) if __name__ == '__main__': pass