#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Class for managing first arrival travel time inversions."""
import os
import numpy as np
import pygimli as pg
from pygimli.frameworks import MeshMethodManager
from pygimli.utils import getSavePath
from . modelling import TravelTimeDijkstraModelling, FatrayDijkstraModelling
from . plotting import drawFirstPicks
class TravelTimeManager(MeshMethodManager):
"""Manager for refraction seismics (traveltime tomography).
TODO Document main members and use default MethodManager interface
e.g., self.inv, self.fop, self.paraDomain, self.mesh, self.data
def __init__(self, data=None, **kwargs):
"""Create an instance of the Traveltime manager.
data: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::DataContainer` | str
You can initialize the Manager with data or give them a dataset
when calling the inversion.
self.useFatray = kwargs.pop("fatray", False)
self.frequency = kwargs.pop("frequency", 100.)
self.secNodes = kwargs.pop("secNodes", 2)
super().__init__(data=data, **kwargs)
self.inv.dataTrans = pg.trans.Trans()
def velocity(self):
"""Return velocity vector (the inversion model)."""
# we can check here if there was an inversion run
return self.fw.model # shouldn't it be the inverse?
def createForwardOperator(self, **kwargs):
"""Create default forward operator for Traveltime modelling.
Your want your Manager use a special forward operator you can add them
here on default Dijkstra is used.
if self.useFatray:
fop = FatrayDijkstraModelling(frequency=self.frequency, **kwargs)
fop = TravelTimeDijkstraModelling(**kwargs)
return fop
def load(self, fileName):
"""Load any supported data file."""
self.data = pg.physics.traveltime.load(fileName)
return self.data
def createMeshMovedToMeshManager(self, data=None, **kwargs):
"""Create default inversion mesh.
Inversion mesh for traveltime inversion does not need boundary region.
data: DataContainer
Data container to read sensors from.
Keyword Args
Forwarded to `:py:func:pygimli.meshtools.createParaMesh`
data = data or self.data
if not hasattr(data, 'sensors'):
pg.critical('Please provide a data container for mesh generation')
return pg.meshtools.createParaMesh(data.sensors(), paraBoundary=0,
boundary=0, **kwargs)
def checkData(self, data):
"""Return data from container."""
if isinstance(data, pg.DataContainer):
if not data.haveData('t'):
pg.critical('DataContainer has no "t" values.')
return data['t']
return data
def checkError(self, err, dataVals):
"""Return relative error."""
if isinstance(err, pg.DataContainer):
if not err.haveData('err'):
pg.error('DataContainer has no "err" values. Fallback to 3%')
return np.ones(err.size()) * 0.03
return err['err'] / dataVals
return err
def applyMesh(self, mesh, secNodes=None, ignoreRegionManager=False):
"""Apply mesh, i.e. set mesh in the forward operator class."""
if secNodes is None:
secNodes = self.secNodes
self.fop._refineSecNodes = secNodes
if secNodes > 0:
if ignoreRegionManager:
mesh = self.fop.createRefinedFwdMesh(mesh)
self.fop.setMesh(mesh, ignoreRegionManager=ignoreRegionManager)
def simulate(self, mesh=None, scheme=None, slowness=None, vel=None, seed=None,
secNodes=2, noiseLevel=0.0, noiseAbs=0.0, **kwargs):
"""Simulate traveltime measurements.
Perform the forward task for a given mesh, a slowness distribution (per
cell) and return data (traveltime) for a measurement scheme.
mesh : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`
Mesh to calculate for or use the last known mesh.
scheme: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::DataContainer`
Data measurement scheme needs 's' for shot and 'g' for geophone
data token.
slowness : array(mesh.cellCount()) | array(N, mesh.cellCount())
Slowness distribution for the given mesh cells can be:
* a single array of len mesh.cellCount()
* a matrix of N slowness distributions of len mesh.cellCount()
* a slowness map [[marker0, slow0], [marker1, slow1], ...]
vel : array(mesh.cellCount()) | array(N, mesh.cellCount())
Velocity distribution for the mesh cells (overwrites slowness!).
secNodes: int [2]
Number of refinement nodes to increase accuracy of the forward
noiseLevel: float [0.0]
Add relative noise to the simulated data. noiseLevel*100 in %
noiseAbs: float [0.0]
Add absolute noise to the simulated data in ms.
seed: int [None]
Seed the random generator for the noise.
Keyword Arguments
returnArray: [False]
Return only the calculated times.
verbose: [self.verbose]
Overwrite verbose level.
Additional kwargs ...
t : array(N, data.size()) | DataContainer
The resulting simulated travel time values (returnArray=True)
or DataContainer containing them in t field (returnArray=False).
Either one column array or matrix in case of slowness matrix.
verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', self.verbose)
fop = self.fop
scheme = scheme or self.data
fop.data = scheme
fop.verbose = verbose
if mesh is not None:
self.applyMesh(mesh, secNodes=secNodes, ignoreRegionManager=True)
if vel is not None:
slowness = 1/vel
if slowness is None:
pg.critical("Need some slowness or velocity distribution for"
" simulation.")
if len(slowness) == self.fop.mesh().cellCount():
t = fop.response(slowness)
if verbose:
print('min/max t:', min(t), max(t))
print("slowness: ", slowness)
pg.critical("Simulate called with wrong slowness array.")
ret = pg.DataContainer(scheme)
if noiseLevel > 0 or noiseAbs > 0:
if not ret.allNonZero('err'):
err = noiseAbs + t * noiseLevel
ret['err'] = err
pg.verbose("Absolute error estimates (min:max) {0}:{1}".format(
min(ret['err']), max(ret['err'])))
t += pg.randn(ret.size(), seed=seed) * ret('err')
if kwargs.pop('returnArray', False) is True:
return t
ret['t'] = t
return ret
def invert(self, data=None, useGradient=True, vTop=500, vBottom=5000,
secNodes=None, **kwargs):
"""Invert data.
data : pg.DataContainer()
Data container with at least SensorIndices 's g' (shot/geophone) &
data values 't' (traveltime in s) and 'err' (absolute error in s)
useGradient: bool [True]
Use gradient starting model typical for refraction cases.
For crosshole tomography geometry you should set this to False for
a non-gradient (e.g. homogeneous) starting model.
vTop: float
Top velocity for gradient starting model.
vBottom: float
Bottom velocity for gradient starting model.
secNodes: int [2]
Number of secondary nodes for accuracy of forward computation.
Mapped (for paradomain) velocity model.
Keyword Arguments
** kwargs:
Inversion related arguments:
See :py:mod:`pygimli.frameworks.MeshMethodManager.invert`
mesh = kwargs.pop('mesh', None)
if secNodes is not None:
self.secNodes = secNodes
if 'limits' in kwargs:
if kwargs['limits'][0] > 1:
tmp = kwargs['limits'][0]
kwargs['limits'][0] = 1.0 / kwargs['limits'][1]
kwargs['limits'][1] = 1.0 / tmp
pg.verbose('Switching velocity limits to slowness limits.',
if useGradient:
self.fop._useGradient = [vTop, vBottom]
self.fop._useGradient = None
### invert return mapped models
slowness = super().invert(data, mesh, **kwargs)
velocity = 1.0 / slowness
velocity.isParaModel = slowness.isParaModel
self.fw.model = 1.0 / self.fw.model #C42 self.fw only hold non-mapped model
# that needs to be compatible to self.fw.mesh
return velocity
def showFit(self, axs=None, firstPicks=True, **kwargs):
"""Show data fit as first-break picks or apparent velocity."""
if firstPicks:
kwargs.setdefault("linestyle", "None")
ax, _ = self.showData(firstPicks=True, **kwargs)
drawFirstPicks(ax, self.fop.data, self.inv.response, marker=None)
super().showFit(axs=axs, **kwargs)
def getRayPaths(self, model=None):
"""Compute ray paths.
If model is not specified, the last calculated Jacobian is used.
model : array
Velocity model for which to calculate and visualize ray paths (the
default is model for last Jacobian calculation in self.velocity).
list of two-column array holding x and y positions
if model is not None:
# if self.fop.jacobian().size() == 0 or model != self.model:
shots = self.fop.data.id("s")
recei = self.fop.data.id("g")
segs = []
nodes = self.fop._core.mesh().positions(withSecNodes=True)
for s, g in zip(shots, recei):
wi = self.fop.way(s, g)
points = nodes[wi]
segs.append(np.column_stack((pg.x(points), pg.y(points))))
return segs
def drawRayPaths(self, ax, model=None, rayPaths=None, **kwargs):
"""Draw the the ray paths for model or last model.
If model is not specified, the last calculated Jacobian is used.
rayPaths : list of np.array
x/y column array with ray point positions
model : array
Velocity model for which to calculate and visualize ray paths (the
default is model for last Jacobian calculation in self.velocity).
ax : matplotlib.axes object
To draw the model and the path into.
**kwargs : type
Additional arguments passed to LineCollection (alpha, linewidths,
color, linestyles).
lc : matplotlib.LineCollection
rayPaths = rayPaths or self.getRayPaths(model=model)
_ = kwargs.setdefault("color", "w")
_ = kwargs.setdefault("alpha", 0.5)
_ = kwargs.setdefault("linewidths", 0.8)
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
lc = LineCollection(rayPaths, **kwargs)
return lc
def showRayPaths(self, model=None, ax=None, **kwargs):
"""Show the model with ray paths for given model.
If not model specified, the last calculated Jacobian is taken.
model : array
Velocity model for which to calculate and visualize ray paths (the
default is model for last Jacobian calculation in self.velocity).
ax : matplotlib.axes object
To draw the model and the path into.
**kwargs : type
forward to drawRayPaths
ax : matplotlib.axes object
cb : matplotlib.colorbar object (only if model is provided)
>>> import pygimli as pg
>>> from pygimli.physics import traveltime as tt
>>> x, y = 8, 6
>>> mesh = pg.createGrid(x, y)
>>> data = tt.createRAData([(0, 0)] + [(x, i) for i in range(y)],
... shotDistance=y+1)
>>> data["t"] = 1.0
>>> mgr = tt.Manager(data)
>>> mgr.applyMesh(mesh, secNodes=10)
>>> ax, cb = mgr.showRayPaths(showMesh=True, diam=0.1)
if model is None:
if self.fop.jacobian().size() == 0:
self.fop.mesh() # initialize any meshs .. just to be sure is 1
model = pg.Vector(self.fop.regionManager().parameterCount(),
model = self.model
ax, cbar = self.showModel(ax=ax, model=model,
showMesh=kwargs.pop('showMesh', None),
diam=kwargs.pop('diam', None))
self.drawRayPaths(ax, model=model, **kwargs)
return ax, cbar
def rayCoverage(self):
"""Ray coverage, i.e. summed raypath lengths."""
J = self.fop.jacobian()
return J.transMult(np.ones(J.rows()))
def createTraveltimefield(self, v=None, startPos=None, withSec=False):
"""Compute a single traveltime field."""
startPos = startPos or self.data.sensor(0)
fop = self.fop
mesh = fop.mesh()
Di = fop.dijkstra
slowPerCell = fop.createMappedModel(1/v, 1e16)
dist = Di.distances()
if withSec:
return dist
return dist[:mesh.nodeCount()]
def standardizedCoverage(self):
"""Standardized coverage vector (0|1) using neighbor info."""
coverage = self.rayCoverage()
C = self.fop.constraintsRef()
return np.sign(np.absolute(C.transMult(C * coverage)))
def showCoverage(self, ax=None, name='coverage', **kwargs):
"""Show the ray coverage in log-scale."""
if ax is None:
fig, ax = pg.plt.subplots()
cov = self.rayCoverage()
return pg.show(self.fop.paraDomain,
pg.log10(cov+min(cov[cov > 0])*.5), ax=ax,
coverage=self.standardizedCoverage(), **kwargs)
def saveResult(self, folder=None, size=(16, 10), verbose=False, **kwargs):
"""Save the results in a specified (or date-time derived) folder.
Saved items are:
* Resulting inversion model
* Velocity vector
* Coverage vector
* Standardized coverage vector
* Mesh (bms and vtk with results)
path: str[None]
Path to save into. If not set the name is automatically created
size: (float, float) (16,10)
Figure size.
Keyword Args
Will be forwarded to showResults
Name of the result path.
subfolder = self.__class__.__name__
path = getSavePath(folder, subfolder)
if verbose:
pg.info('Saving refraction data to: {}'.format(path))
np.savetxt(os.path.join(path, 'velocity.vector'),
np.savetxt(os.path.join(path, 'velocity-cov.vector'),
np.savetxt(os.path.join(path, 'velocity-scov.vector'),
m = pg.Mesh(self.paraDomain)
m['Velocity'] = self.paraModel(self.velocity)
m['Coverage'] = self.rayCoverage()
m['S_Coverage'] = self.standardizedCoverage()
m.exportVTK(os.path.join(path, 'velocity'))
m.saveBinaryV2(os.path.join(path, 'velocity-pd'))
self.fop.mesh().save(os.path.join(path, 'velocity-mesh'))
np.savetxt(os.path.join(path, 'chi.txt'), self.inv.chi2History)
fig, ax = pg.plt.subplots()
self.showResult(ax=ax, cov=self.standardizedCoverage(), **kwargs)
fig.savefig(os.path.join(path, 'velocity.pdf'), bbox_inches='tight')
return path