Source code for pygimli.physics.ert.processing

"""Utility functions for ERT data processing."""
import numpy as np
# from numpy import ma

import pygimli as pg
from .ert import createGeometricFactors

[docs] def uniqueERTIndex(data, nI=0, reverse=False, unify=True): """Generate unique index from sensor indices A/B/M/N for matching Parameters ---------- data : DataContainerERT data container holding a b m n field registered as indices (int) nI : int [0] index to generate (multiply), by default (0) sensorCount if two data files with different sensorCount are compared make sure to use the same nI for both reverse : bool [False] exchange current (A, B) with potential (M, N) for reciprocal analysis unify : bool [True] sort A/B and M/N so that bipole orientation does not matter """ if nI == 0: nI = data.sensorCount() + 1 if unify: normABMN = {'a': np.minimum(data('a'), data('b')) + 1, 'b': np.maximum(data('a'), data('b')) + 1, 'm': np.minimum(data('m'), data('n')) + 1, 'n': np.maximum(data('m'), data('n')) + 1} else: normABMN = {tok: data[tok] + 1 for tok in "abmn"} abmn = "abmn" if reverse: abmn = "mnab" # nmba? ind = 0 for el in abmn: ind = ind * nI + normABMN[el] # data(el) return np.array(ind, dtype=int)
[docs] def generateDataFromUniqueIndex(ind, data=None, nI=None): """Generate data container from unique index.""" scheme = pg.DataContainerERT() if isinstance(data, pg.DataContainer): scheme = pg.DataContainerERT(data) elif isinstance(data, pg.PosVector): scheme.setSensorPositions(data) elif isinstance(data, int): # check for positions for i in range(data): scheme.createSensor([i, 0, 0]) nI = nI or scheme.sensorCount() + 1 scheme.resize(0) # make sure all data are deleted scheme.resize(len(ind)) nmba = np.zeros([len(ind), 4], dtype=int) for i in range(4): col = ind % nI ind -= col ind = ind // nI nmba[:, i] = col for i, tok in enumerate("nmba"): scheme[tok] = nmba[:, i] - 1 scheme["valid"] = 1 return scheme
[docs] def reciprocalIndices(data, onlyOnce=False): """Return indices for reciprocal data. Parameters: data : DataContainerERT data containing reciprocal data onlyOnce : bool [False] return every pair only once Returns ------- iN, iR : np.array(dtype=int) indices into the data container for normal and reciprocals """ unF = uniqueERTIndex(data) unB = uniqueERTIndex(data, reverse=True) iF, iB = [], [] for i, u in enumerate(unF): ii = np.nonzero(unB == u)[0] if len(ii) > 0: iF.append(i) iB.append(ii[0]) iF = np.array(iF, dtype=int) iB = np.array(iB, dtype=int) if onlyOnce: return iF[iF < iB], iB[iF < iB] else: return iF, iB
def getResistance(data): """Return data resistance.""" if data.allNonZero('r'): R = data['r'] elif data.haveData('u') and data.haveData('i'): R = data['u'] / data['i'] else: # neither R or U/I if not data.allNonZero('k'): data['k'] = createGeometricFactors(data) if data.haveData('rhoa'): R = data['rhoa'] / data['k'] else: pg.error('Either R, U/I or rhoa must be defined!') return R
[docs] def fitReciprocalErrorModel(data, nBins=None, show=False, rel=False): """Fit an error by statistical normal-reciprocal analysis. Identify normal reciprocal pairs and fit error model to it Parameters ---------- data : pg.DataContainerERT input data nBins : int number of bins to subdivide data (4 < data.size()//30 < 30) rel : bool [False] fit relative instead of absolute errors show : bool [False] generate plot of reciprocals, mean/std bins and error model Returns ------- ab : [float, float] indices of a+b*R (rel=False) or a+b/R (rec=True) """ R = getResistance(data) iF, iB = reciprocalIndices(data, True) n30 = len(iF) // 30 nBins = nBins or np.maximum(np.minimum(n30, 30), 4) RR = np.abs(R[iF] + R[iB]) / 2 sInd = np.argsort(RR) RR = RR[sInd] dR = (R[iF] - R[iB])[sInd] inds = np.linspace(0, len(RR), nBins+1, dtype=int) stdR = np.zeros(nBins) meanR = np.zeros(nBins) for b in range(nBins): ii = range(inds[b], inds[b+1]) stdR[b] = np.std(dR[ii]) meanR[b] = np.mean(RR[ii]) G = np.ones([len(meanR), 2]) # a*x+b w = np.reshape(np.isfinite(meanR), [-1, 1]) meanR[np.isnan(meanR)] = 1e-16 stdR[np.isnan(stdR)] = 0 if rel: G[:, 1] = 1 / meanR ab, *_ = np.linalg.lstsq(w*G, stdR/meanR, rcond=None) else: G[:, 1] = meanR ab, *_ = np.linalg.lstsq(w*G, stdR, rcond=None) if show: x = np.logspace(np.log10(min(meanR)), np.log10(max(meanR)), 30) _, ax = pg.plt.subplots() if rel: ax.semilogx(RR, dR/RR, '.', label='data') # /RR ii = meanR > 1e-12 x = x[x > 1e-12] eModel = ab[0] + ab[1] / x ax.plot(meanR[ii], stdR[ii]/meanR[ii], '*', label='std dev') # /meanR ax.set_title(r'$\delta$R/R={:.6f}+{:.6f}/|R|'.format(*ab)) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\delta$R/R') else: eModel = ab[0] + ab[1] * x ax.semilogx(RR, dR, '.', label='data') # /RR ax.plot(meanR, stdR, '*', label='std dev') # /meanR ax.set_title(r'$\delta$R={:.6f}+{:.6f}*|R|'.format(*ab)) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\delta$R ($\Omega$)') ax.plot(x, eModel, '-', label='error model') # /x ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xlabel(r'R ($\Omega$)') ax.legend() return ab, ax else: return ab
[docs] def reciprocalProcessing(data, rel=True, maxrec=0.2, maxerr=0.2): """Reciprocal data analysis and error estimation. Carry out workflow for reciprocal * identify normal reciprocal pairs * fit error model to it * estimate error for all measurements * remove one of the pairs (and duplicates) by averaging * filter the data for maximum reciprocity and error Parameters ---------- out : pg.DataContainerERT input data container with possible rel : bool base analysis on relative instead of absolute errors maxrec : float [0.2] maximum reciprocity allowed in data maxerr : float [0.2] maximum error estimate Returns ------- out : pg.DataContainerERT filtered data container with pairs removed/averaged """ out = data.copy() out.averageDuplicateData() iF, iB = reciprocalIndices(out, True) if len(iF) == 0: return data R = getResistance(out) meanR = np.abs(R[iF]+R[iB]) / 2 dRbyR = np.abs(R[iF]-R[iB]) / meanR out['rec'] = 0 out['rec'][iF] = dRbyR out.markInvalid(out['rec'] > maxrec) ab = fitReciprocalErrorModel(out, rel=rel) if rel: out["err"] = ab[0] + ab[1] / R else: out["err"] = ab[0] + ab[1] * R out['r'][iF] = meanR out.markInvalid(iB) out.markInvalid(out['err'] > maxerr) out.removeInvalid() return out
def getReciprocals(data, change=False, remove=False): """Compute data reciprocity from forward and backward data. The reciprocity (difference between forward and backward array divided by their mean) is computed and saved under the dataContainer field 'rec' Parameters ========== data : pg.DataContainerERT input data container to be changed inplace change : bool [True] compute current-weighted mean of forward and backward values remove : bool [False] remove backward data that are present as forward data """ if not data.allNonZero('r'): data['r'] = data['u'] / data['i'] unF = uniqueERTIndex(data) unB = uniqueERTIndex(data, reverse=True) rF, rB = [], [] rec = np.zeros(data.size()) data['rec'] = 0 for iB in range(data.size()): if unB[iB] in unF: iF = int(np.nonzero(unF == unB[iB])[0][0]) rF.append(data['r'][iF]) rB.append(data['r'][iB]) rec[iB] = (rF[-1]-rB[-1]) / (rF[-1]+rB[-1]) * 2 data['rec'][iF] = rec[iB] IF, IB = data['i'][iF], data['i'][iB] # use currents for weighting if change and data['valid'][iF]: data['r'][iF] = (rF[-1] * IF + rB[-1] * IB) / (IF + IB) data['i'][iF] = (IF**2 + IB**2) / (IF + IB) # according weight data['u'][iF] = data['r'][iF] * data['i'][iF] if remove: data['valid'][iB] = 0 # for adding all others later on print(len(rF), "reciprocals") if remove: data.removeInvalid() def extractReciprocals(fwd, bwd): """Extract reciprocal data from forward/backward DataContainers.""" nMax = max(fwd.sensorCount(), bwd.sensorCount()) unF = uniqueERTIndex(fwd, nI=nMax) unB = uniqueERTIndex(bwd, nI=nMax, reverse=True) rF, rB = [], [] rec = np.zeros(bwd.size()) both = pg.DataContainerERT(fwd) both.set('rec', pg.Vector(both.size())) back = pg.DataContainerERT(bwd) back.set('rec', pg.Vector(back.size())) for iB in range(bwd.size()): if unB[iB] in unF: iF = int(np.nonzero(unF == unB[iB])[0][0]) rF.append(fwd('r')[iF]) rB.append(bwd('r')[iB]) rec[iB] = (rF[-1]-rB[-1]) / (rF[-1]+rB[-1]) * 2 both('rec')[iF] = rec[iB] IF, IB = fwd('i')[iF], bwd('i')[iB] # use currents for weighting both('r')[iF] = (rF[-1] * IF + rB[-1] * IB) / (IF + IB) both('i')[iF] = (IF**2 + IB**2) / (IF + IB) # according to weight both('u')[iF] = fwd('r')[iF] * fwd('i')[iF] back('valid')[iB] = 0 # for adding all others later on print(len(rF), "reciprocals") back.removeInvalid() both.add(back) return rec, both def combineMultipleData(DATA): """Combine multiple data containers into data/err matrices.""" assert hasattr(DATA, '__iter__'), "DATA should be DataContainers or str!" if isinstance(DATA[0], str): # read in if strings given DATA = [pg.DataContainerERT(data) for data in DATA] nEls = [data.sensorCount() for data in DATA] assert max(np.abs(np.diff(nEls))) == 0, "Electrodes not equal" uIs = [uniqueERTIndex(data) for data in DATA] uI = np.unique(np.hstack(uIs)) scheme = generateDataFromUniqueIndex(uI, DATA[0]) uI = uniqueERTIndex(scheme) #, unify=False) R = np.ones([scheme.size(), len(DATA)]) * np.nan ERR = np.zeros_like(R) if not scheme.haveData('k'): # just do that only once scheme['k'] = createGeometricFactors(scheme) # check numerical for i, di in enumerate(DATA): ii = np.searchsorted(uI, uIs[i]) if not di.haveData('r'): if di.allNonZero('u') and di.allNonZero('i'): di['r'] = di['u']/di['i'] elif di.allNonZero('rhoa'): di['r'] = di['rhoa'] / scheme['k'][ii] R[ii, i] = di['r'] ERR[ii, i] = di['err'] RHOA = np.abs(np.reshape(scheme['k'], [-1, 1]) * R) return scheme, RHOA, ERR