Source code for pygimli.physics.SIP.importData

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Import/Export for SIP data."""

import codecs
from datetime import  datetime

import numpy as np
import re

import pygimli as pg

[docs] def load(fileName, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Shortcut to load SIP spectral data. Import Data and try to assume the file format. Parameters ---------- fileName: str Returns ------- freqs, amp, phi : np.array Frequencies, amplitudes and phases phi in neg. radiant """ firstLine = None with, 'r', encoding='iso-8859-15', errors='replace') as fi: firstLine = fi.readline() f, amp, phi = None, None, None fnLow = fileName.lower() if 'SIP Fuchs III' in firstLine: if verbose:"Reading SIP Fuchs III file") f, amp, phi, header = readFuchs3File(fileName, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) phi *= -np.pi/180. # print(header) # not used? elif 'SIP-Quad' in firstLine: if verbose:"Reading SIP Quad file") f, amp, phi, header = readFuchs3File(fileName, nfr=9, namp=10, nphi=11, nk=7, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) phi *= -np.pi/180. elif 'SIP-Fuchs' in firstLine: if verbose:"Reading SIP Fuchs file") f, amp, phi, drhoa, dphi = readRadicSIPFuchs(fileName, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) phi *= -np.pi/180. elif fnLow.endswith('.txt') or fnLow.endswith('.csv'): f, amp, phi = readTXTSpectrum(filename) amp *= 1.0 # scale it with k if available else: raise Exception("Don't know how to read data.") return f, amp, phi
def fstring(fri): """Format frequency to human-readable (mHz or kHz).""" if fri > 1e3: fstr = '{:d} kHz'.format(int(np.round(fri/1e3))) elif fri < 1.: fstr = '{:d} mHz'.format(int(np.round(fri*1e3))) elif fri < 10.: fstr = '{:3.1f} Hz'.format(fri) elif fri < 100.: fstr = '{:4.1f} Hz'.format(fri) else: fstr = '{:d} Hz'.format(int(np.round(fri))) return fstr def readTXTSpectrum(filename, nfr=0, namp=1, nphi=3, sphi=-1): """Read spectrum from ZEL device output (txt) data file.""" f, amp, phi = [], [], [] with open(filename) as fid: lines = fid.readlines() for line in lines[1:]: snums = line.replace(';', ' ').split() if len(snums) > 3: f.append(float(snums[nfr])) amp.append(float(snums[namp])) phi.append(sphi*float(snums[nphi])) else: break return np.asarray(f), np.asarray(amp), np.asarray(phi) def readFuchs3File(resfile, k=1.0, verbose=False, nfr=11, namp=12, nphi=13, nk=9): """Read Fuchs III (SIP spectrum) data file. Parameters ---------- k : float Overwrite internal geometric factor from device. """ activeBlock = '' header = {} LINE = [] dataAct = False with, 'r', encoding='iso-8859-15', errors='replace') as fid: for line in fid: line = line.replace('\r\n', '\n') # correct for carriage return if dataAct: LINE.append(line) if len(line) < 2: f, amp, phi, kIn = [], [], [], [] for li in LINE: sline = li.split() if len(sline) > 12: fi = float(sline[nfr]) if np.isfinite(fi): f.append(fi) amp.append(float(sline[namp])) phi.append(float(sline[nphi])) kIn.append(float(sline[nk])) if k != 1.0 and verbose is True:"Geometric value changed to:", k) return np.array(f), np.array(amp)/np.array(kIn) * k, \ np.array(phi), header elif len(line): if line.rfind('Current') >= 0: if dataAct: break else: dataAct = True if line[0] == '[': token = line[1:line.rfind(']')].replace(' ', '_') if token[:3] == 'End': header[activeBlock] = np.array(header[activeBlock]) activeBlock = '' elif token[:5] == 'Begin': activeBlock = token[6:] header[activeBlock] = [] else: value = line[line.rfind(']') + 1:] try: # direct line information if '.' in value: num = float(value) else: num = int(value) header[token] = num except BaseException as e: # maybe beginning or end of a block #print(e) pass else: if activeBlock: nums = np.array(line.split(), dtype=float) header[activeBlock].append(nums) def readRadicSIPFuchs(filename, readSecond=False, delLast=True): """Read SIP-Fuchs Software rev.: 070903 Read Radic instrument res file containing a single spectrum. Please note the apparent resistivity value might be scaled with the real geometric factor. Default is 1.0. Parameters ---------- filename : string readSecond: bool [False] Read the first data block[default] or read the second that consists in the file. delLast : bool [True] ?? Returns ------- fr : array [float] Measured frequencies rhoa : array [float] Measured apparent resistivties phi : array [float] Measured phases drhoa : array [float] Measured apparent resistivties error phi : array [float] Measured phase error """ with, 'r', encoding='iso-8859-15', errors='replace') as f: line = f.readline() fr = [] rhoa = [] phi = [] drhoa = [] dphi = [] while True: line = f.readline() if line.rfind('Freq') > -1: break return if readSecond: while True: if f.readline().rfind('Freq') > -1: break while True: line = f.readline() b = line.split('\t') if len(b) < 5: break fr.append(float(b[0])) rhoa.append(float(b[1])) phi.append(-float(b[2]) * np.pi / 180.) drhoa.append(float(b[3])) dphi.append(float(b[4]) * np.pi / 180.) f.close() if delLast: fr.pop(0) rhoa.pop(0) phi.pop(0) drhoa.pop(0) dphi.pop(0) return np.array(fr), np.array(rhoa), np.array(phi), np.array(drhoa), np.array(dphi) def toTime(t, d): """ convert time format into timestamp 11:08:02, 21/02/2019 """ tim = [int(_t) for _t in t.split(':')] if '/' in d: # 03/02/1975 day = [int(_t) for _t in d.split('/')] dt = datetime(year=day[2], month=day[1], day=day[0], hour=tim[0], minute=tim[1], second=tim[2]) elif '.' in d: # 03.02.1975 day = [int(_t) for _t in d.split('.')] dt = datetime(year=day[2], month=day[1], day=day[0], hour=tim[0], minute=tim[1], second=tim[2]) else: # 1975-02-03 day = [int(_t) for _t in d.split('-')] dt = datetime(year=day[0], month=day[1], day=day[2], hour=tim[0], minute=tim[1], second=tim[2]) return dt.timestamp() def readSIP256file(resfile, verbose=False): """Read SIP256 file (RES format) - mostly used for 2d SIP by pybert.sip. Read SIP256 file (RES format) - mostly used for 2d SIP by pybert.sip. Parameters ---------- filename: str *.RES file (SIP256 raw output file) verbose: bool do some output [False] Returns ------- header - dictionary of measuring setup DATA - data AB-list of MN-list of matrices with f, amp, phi, dAmp, dPhi AB - list of current injection RU - list of remote units Examples -------- header, DATA, AB, RU = readSIP256file('myfile.res', True) """ activeBlock = '' header = {} LINE = [] dataAct = False with, 'r', encoding='iso-8859-15', errors='replace') as fi: content = fi.readlines() for line in content: if dataAct: LINE.append(line) elif len(line): if line[0] == '[': token = line[1:line.rfind(']')].replace(' ', '_') # handle early 256D software bug if 'FrequencyParameterBegin' in token: token = token.replace('FrequencyParameterBegin', 'Begin_FrequencyParameter') if 'FrequencyParameterEnd' in token: token = token.replace('FrequencyParameterEnd', 'End_FrequencyParameter') if token.replace(' ', '_') == 'Messdaten_SIP256': dataAct = True elif 'Messdaten' in token: # res format changed into SIP256D .. so we are a # little bit more flexible with this. dataAct = True elif token[:3] == 'End': header[activeBlock] = np.array(header[activeBlock]) activeBlock = '' elif token[:5] == 'Begin': activeBlock = token[6:] header[activeBlock] = [] else: value = line[line.rfind(']') + 1:] try: # direct line information if '.' in value: num = float(value) else: try: num = int(value) except: num = 0 pass header[token] = num except BaseException as e: # maybe beginning or end of a block print(e) else: if activeBlock: nums = np.array(line.split(), dtype=float) header[activeBlock].append(nums) DATA, dReading, dFreq, AB, RU, ru = [], [], [], [], [], [] tMeas = [] for i, line in enumerate(LINE): # print(i, line) line = line.replace(' nc ', ' 0 ') # no calibration should 0 line = line.replace(' c ', ' 1 ') # calibration should 1 # sline = line.split() sline = line.rstrip('\r\n').split() if line.find('Reading') == 0: rdno = int(sline[1]) if rdno > 0: AB.append((int(sline[4]), int(sline[6]))) if ru: RU.append(ru) ru = [] if rdno > 1 and dReading: dReading.append(np.array(dFreq)) DATA.append(dReading) pg.verbose('Reading {0}:{1} RUs'.format(rdno-1, len(dReading))) dReading, dFreq = [], [] elif line.find('Remote Unit') == 0: ru.append(int(sline[2])) if dFreq: dReading.append(np.array(dFreq)) dFreq = [] elif line.find('Freq') >= 0: pass elif len(sline) > 1 and rdno > 0: # some data present # search for two numbers (with .) without a space inbetween # variant 1: do it for every part for i, ss in enumerate(sline): if'\.20[01][0-9]', ss) is None: # no date fd ='\.[0-9-]*\.', ss) if fd: if '-' in ss[1:]: bpos = ss[1:].find('-') + 1 else: bpos = fd.start() + 4 # print(ss[:bpos], ss[bpos:]) if ss[5:8] != ".20": sline.insert(i, ss[:bpos]) sline[i+1] = ss[bpos:] # print(sline) fd ='NaN[0-9-]*\.', ss) if fd: if '-' in ss[1:]: bpos = ss.find('-') else: bpos = fd.start() + 3 # print(ss[:bpos], ss[bpos:]) sline.insert(i, ss[:bpos]) sline[i+1] = ss[bpos:] # print(sline) # variant 2: do it on whole line # cdate ='\.20[01][0-9]', line) # if cdate: # n2000 = cdate.start() # else: # n2000 = len(line) # print(sline) # concnums ='\.[0-9-]*\.', line[:n2000]) # while concnums: # bpos = concnums.span()[0] + 4 # line = line[:bpos] + ' ' + line[bpos:] # n2000 += 1 # concnums ='\.[0-9-]*\.', line[:n2000]) # sline = line.rstrip('\r\n').split() # print(sline) # if'[0-9]-', line[:85]): # missing whitespace before - # sline = re.sub('[0-9]-', '5 -', line).split() # not a good idea for dates for c in range(7): # this is expensive .. do we really need this? if len(sline[c]) > 15: # too long line / missing space if c == 0: part1 = sline[c][:-15] part2 = sline[c][-15:] # [10:] else: part1 = sline[c][:-10] part2 = sline[c][-10:] # [11:] sline = sline[:c] + [part1] + [part2] + sline[c + 1:] if sline[c].find('c') >= 0: sline[c] = '1.0' #Frequency /Hz RA/Ohmm PA/� ERA/% EPA/� Cal? IA/mA K.-F./m Gains Time/h:m:s Date/d.m.y #20000.00000000 0.4609 -6.72598 0.02234 0.01280 1 20.067 1.00 0 11:08:02 21/02/2019 try: dFreq.append( np.array(sline[:8] + [toTime(sline[-2], sline[-1])], dtype=float)) except: # dFreq.append(np.array(sline[:8], dtype=float)) print(i, line, sline) raise ImportError() dReading.append(np.array(dFreq)) DATA.append(dReading) pg.verbose('Reading {0}:{1} RUs'.format(rdno, len(dReading))) return header, DATA, AB, RU if __name__ == "__main__": pass